Today a rather tricky job: saw dawn a tree in the neighbour's garden.
A bit tricky because it tilted a bit towards the house so we had to bring tension on a rope attached to it and start sawing at the right spot.
When the tree would fall to the "wrong" side the house would be damaged...
The rope was twisted around a nearby tree and the neighbour was pulling at it.
Fortunately all went well!
Relief... mostly for Robert, the neighbour who can be seen behind the bushes pulling the rope.
Here a view at the preparations.
Here it's done!!
So no workBlip today; although I have to do a late shift but as I use Blip as a kind of diary I could not neglect this event...
(pictures made by Anneke)
- 0
- 0
- Sony DSC-HX1
- 1/100
- f/5.0
- 10mm
- 125
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