SCG - Swans Vs Richmond.......

So we went to my first game of the season tonight, Andrea managed to come too as Maja couldn't make it tonight so she used her pass.

The game was ok, the Swans humped Richmond so there was no real excitement, they never looked in any danger at all.....still canny complain about a win !!!

My seat is good with the bonus of having Hugo Weaving's seat 2 rows directly in front of me, (he is the head to the left of the stripy hat) he is clearly a big Swans fan & very vocal !!! Kinda cool in a star struck kinda way !!! (He of Lord of the Rings/Matrix fame !!!)

Anyways Paul & Trish (Chris's parents) were very good to us as always tonight, they provided us with a goody bag for the game, sandwiches/cheese & crackers/scones & easter eggs.....yes we are very spoiled !!!! ....oh & they gave us a lift home !!!! They are such good people !!

On a side note tonights picture was a rush there may be the odd person in the crowd with half a head or something.......don't worry that's just Sydney-siders ........ Kidding !!!

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