Everyday Sfinx

By Sfinx

Head over surface

I think that when it comes to personal nightmares (my own and others), money frequently are involved in one or another way. Money is also a very taboo subject, in spite of its high priority in people's lives!

It's fascinating, I think, what low amount of creativity involved concerning alternatives to money and to our current version of economy (best represented by the just completely insane global institution called the stock market)!

It's as if money would be the one and only way of administrating production for, and access to, what we need for a good life, and not least the distribution of it! Yes, as if using this abstract symbol for work, called money, was some kind of natural law!?

One explanation to why there is so little of more ethical and humane alternatives (with a few exceptions, e.g. .the JAK bank etc.) may be that some people (many?) seem to think that humans have no intrinsic drives, but rather are dependent on some extrinsic ones.....and here comes the important presumption for the current money/economic system....someone always has to loose for someone else to win!

I think this is primitive! What are Your, dear fellow blipper´s, opinion on this matter?

So....I want to put all of my own, and everyone else's money in a huge Room 101 and seal it for all times! And, this is not, according to the above, just because my own money always seems to slip through my fingers like sand! :o)

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