Bangkok Tattoo

By BangkokTattoo

Jambay Lakhang

This is a contraband photo. You're not supposed to take pics inside the temples in Bhutan. But we didn't have a tour guide and the monks were having their morning tea so they left us to wander alone in the temple. I couldn't resist snapping the light streaming in, highlighting the centuries-old wall paintings.

This is taken in one of the oldest temples in Bhutan, dating to the 8th century. The story is that one of the Tibetan kings built 108 temples in a single day to pin down a demoness. The temples are spread throughout Tibet and Bhutan over the body of the huge ogress. The Jorkhang temple in Lhasa is over her heart and the ones in Bhutan are on her legs.

I've been in Bhutan since March 23 so flip through the previous blips for more travel pics.

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