My little sister Sarah

Well, somehow I completely forgot to take a photo on Sunday. Breaks quite a long run of blips, very annoying. Will now make up for it by explaining what we did.

Sunday 11th: staying at the Premier Inn, East Grinstead. We got an early start and went over to my sister Ann's for breakfast (where my niece & her husband were staying). Then we went to the local tip to chuck a very old exercise bike that my Aunt had thrown out the day before. Next was Homebase to get some things my Aunt needed: a vaccuum cleaner, a kitchen bin, some pansies for her window box and hanging baskets, a new toilet seat and a toilet brush. Then over to her cottage where we gave the carpets a shock and planted out the pansies. Drew the line at the loo seat; someone else can do that. NB we had already spent the morning there on Saturday fixing curtain rails, tidying the garden and organising games on her computer. After that we really didn't feel like eating until the evening when we went out for a Spanish meal at la Farola with my sister, her husband, my niece & her hubbie.

Monday 12th: Checked out of the hotel and drove to my other sister's in Cheltenham. Not long after we arrived there was a terrible noise from the kitchen walls, sounded like a trapped animal, maybe a rat. So Sarah got togged up to climb up and check the roof space, except we decided it was maybe not a good idea as she had a double knee replacement done last year. Mr Toadally went up instead, couldn't see anything but it has been very quiet since.

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