A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


As in spring has sprung. Early blossoms are everywhere in my garden including trillions (no exaggeration) of dandelions. I'm fine with that but my next door neighbor is a PhD chemist who relishes in dumping Roundup on every one he sees. I think it's completely irresponsible, but who am I to argue? A simple soap maker here, trying to decrease the size of my carbon footprint and leave the planet better than I found it. He poured what was left of his Roundup right onto the grass between our properties. I like this guy but sometimes I think the most educated people are the dumbest (I'll go ahead and apologize now if you are as educated as this guy - maybe you're not as dumb).


There. I've said my piece. Of course, you're probably wondering if I was planning on ranting about dandelions why I didn't blip one. The reason is simple: I didn't know I was about to rant; it snuck up on me.

Disclaimer: Snuck is American English and perfectly acceptable on this side of the pond.

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