Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


"Mama have. I won't be needing this anymore thank you."


31 months and 6 throat surgeries later, the trach is out.

Been up all night in hospital. I'll post later about this incredible journey to get to this position from the days and weeks we fought it, til the day we realised it was a bridge to get Reuben home from months of hospitalisation, to the trach surgery and the rockiest of roads since and months of preparation for today. But for now, it's time to celebrate with a great big sleep.

Thank you........

More pics on my blog, what's been my faithful friend throughout. I couldn't resist posting my vote for the Handsomest Man in the World on my blog. Well, right now, he is to me!

PS Woke up to home phone. Had to post more. Reu would not wear his cap all night, not at all kept wanting to breathe through trach thus no sleep for me plus in a room with 3 newborns, enough said. So ask Dr this morning when he arrives at 7am to help, though no help, needed, you just whip it out "So what happens if he doesn't tolerate the trach out?". "Well, we'll come back in a year". I'm fuming at this. Dr has been negative throughout the years with the bedside manner of a wet fish. Brilliant surgeon, but wet fish. And so we try our blooming damndest to make it work. Jason whips it out, I take the pics, we divert Reu's attention with Signing Time and taking him for a walk to see the nurses and if you visit the blog you'll see him playing in the playroom too.

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