Lazy morning, then a lovely afternoon outing to see blipfriends over the hill. We saw mojopin's photo exhibition, then off for a cup of tea with him, Country File and the two delightful little ladies. The kids mostly amused themselves with the toys, leaving us to get caught up a bit.
This is a pumpkin cactus that Katherine made. I thought it looked more like a pie. In other pie news, we popped into the butcher in Allendale for a couple of pies for dinner, and I was delighted to see a balti pie. And I'm delighted to report that it was delicious. Curry in a pie. Genius.
Time for another blip catch up; here are the backblips from a weekend in the Peak District:
Friday: The Longest Day - spiders and car batteries
Saturday: a swirling, whirling, happy wedding day
Sunday: a big pile of house
Monday: the ancestral home
Now I just need a whole day to set aside to catch up with all you lot. I'm happy that I still see that as a pleasure, not a chore.
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