waldorf and statler and daff and odil

waldorf....what are you doing like that statler?
statler.......its this blipfoto crowd again.
waldorf ....what are they up to statler?
statler.......blipping daffodils..daffodils...daffodils...daffodils
waldorf.....whets wrong with daffodils...statler?
statler.......they are coming out of my ears...waldorf..out my ears..the first daffodil was nice and the second and the five thousand and forty second waldorf...but this has gone too far...get the watering plant and weed killer
waldorf .....daffodils aren't weeds statler we have to mind them
statler......i'm not minding them waldorf, i've has enough of them
wardorf...grumpy today statler, very grumpy

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