
By Sn2

Tour Guide

Spent half a day with S from work taking three Chinese suppliers around town to show them the sights. They were blown away with our blue sky, clean beaches and cheap housing. Posh homes up on Mt Pleasant that are well outside our reach as Kiwis are well within theirs.


Says something about the division of wealth in a population, and globally too.

But we still have the blue sky and clean beaches. At least we do for now. Something more valuable than all the money in the world. Or all the tea in China.

Spent the rest of the day at home working on our house and pondering the futility of gathering possessions. We still have a storage shed full of crap that in truth I don't think I've missed in the time they've been out of sight. Perhaps because we've been too busy to use them, or perhaps because they're not important.

These kids were playing in the entrance to Cave Rock on the beach. Oblivious to the burden of possessions, growing up (whatever that means) or thoughts of mortality.

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