
By diaspora

Washing basket philosophy

This is just a pink, plastic washing basket with Morven's pink pyjamas fresh from being blown dry in the Wellington wind.

It's the ordinary, the everyday. It's what bipfoto is all about is it not? Noticing, capturing, sharing and commenting on the ordinary moments of an everyday life.

It's one of the things I like best about blipfoto: the celebration of the ordinary. Oh, sure, sometimes people post images and write about amazing and unusual places, objects and events. But usually, it's about the ordinary, the everyday, the routine.

Although, often, the ordinary has been observed a little differently, noticed with a little more attention, described in a little more detail. And we are all richer for it. In an age where the predominant cult is one of celebrity, I'm delighted to be part of a community of the everyday.

Today I lost my wallet and spent a lot of time calling people to cancel various bits of plastic. A few hours later I got a call from a police officer to say someone had handed it in to the police station...just an ordinary day.

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