
By badasian

Hiiii Yah!

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
those cats were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit fright'ning
but they fought with expert timing

Hubby and I shadow-sparring at the Bay :)

We're (mostly HE) in "Spring Cleaning" mode, which is really more organizing/purging and getting things set aside for our Garage Sales this year. We're (again, mostly HE) going through and sorting things we don't need, don't want, or want to replace in the very near future. Some things have gone up on Craigslist, while others are being sorted into boxes. Hubby can be a little (ahem) obsessive, and we're both on the OCD-end of organized, so this is an annual thing. I just haven't gotten quite as "into" it yet. But I will soon, and then we'll be up until 6AM, 3 nights in a row, having re-organized the entire house (which, if you've been to my house, is pretty damn organized all the time, so this doesn't really make any sense), and then we'll be ready for Garage Selling 3 weeks later. But that's just how we do things :)

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