Lyn's Things

By Abzquine


The fact people seem to find the most interesting about me is shown in this photograph. This represents my lifetime of travel. As you can see I have never left Scotland, luckily it is a land I love.

I've never had any form of wanderlust. I've never felt the need to travel. Perhaps it is partially down to my little quirks but hey ho.

Until just under four years ago I had never been off the mainland of Scotland and until 2 years ago I hadn't been on a boat (I have been reliably informed that the pedal boats the Duthie park used to have do not count).

Perhaps it's the empty spaces I find calming, there are places and spaces I have been and just feel calm & at home. It's so hard to describe.

I've been thinking alot about this these past few days, I haven't felt able to write much, just the way I have been feeling. Sometimes I feel like I've never really had time on my own, time away from everything. Have you ever wanted to shut yourself away from the world? Not speak to anyone for a week? Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I wasn't the person that always replies to texts, wondered if they would even notice if I wasn't there for them but that doesn't matter because I will always get back to them as soon as I can. Unanswered texts are rather like emails in my inbox, untidy loose ends waiting to be filed away into their folders.

Right I am going to sign off now because I am apparently making less and less sense.

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