Family Dog

By Family_Dog

my mum the messenger

Every now and then Mum pops through mid week under the guise of paying me a visit, but I know that what's really going on is that Mum's having pangs for Arlo...

So, after work she scoots through to spend a manic hour or two with the boy, grab a few snatched sentences with me until he's off to bed then we have a good old chin wag over a bowl of soup.

Today's visit was particularly exciting though - clutched in her left hand, you will see a book. It is my favourite children's book of all time EVER!!!

This one is actually the book I had when I was little and inside I'd written: "This is to be kept for my own children. Signed Abigail, 17/4/88 (aged 13)"..

After his bath the 3 of us (Dog was at basketball) sat down and read it. Considering how wordy it is, Arlo sat pretty still and looked at all the pictures and made all the right noises. He will love this book. HE WILL!

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