Blacksmith Plover (Vanellus armatus)

This is definitely the best shot I ever managed of this little cheeky one!!

Today was a big success!! Thanks for all your support!

I was supposed to do the presentation for about 9 or 10 students who indicated that they were interested in the 'Photography Club'! The rest of the secondary school, which was only founded this year and boasts a student count of 23, were supposed to join the 'Technology Club', but they eventaully all landed up in my presentation! There was some problem with the presentation of the Technology thingy!

I must admit, I was really thrilled! I actually wanted to suggest that all the students come to the photography today in order for them to be able to listen and decide whether they were really interested or not! It would've been quite annoying if those who indicated they would like to join this group, found that they didn't like it and I have to try to motivate them for the rest of the year! Now I know the ones that decided they were interested today, will at least be interested and I will be able to motivate them in stead of forcing them!! Quite a few of those who weren't interested at all, changed their minds, but let's wait and see how many will turn up next week! I will keep you posted! ;-)

I started my presentation by stressing the point that this is a fun way of photography, if anyone here are interested in becoming a professional photographer, they will obviously seek training from a professional, but I firmly believe this is a first step to getting interested and learning the discipline that goes with photography, and of course, the ability to SEE things in a different way!

I explained how Blip was founded, how I made friends all over the world, how much it means to me as person, how it motivates you to SEE what's going on around you, how it improves your photographic as well as writing and communication skills, how I found places on Earth which I, despite being an intelligent and well read person who travelled a wee bit, never even knew about, etc, etc!!

I showed them a few examples of journals I found interesting, and even got a few good questions from the audience, which is always a rewarding thing when you are lecturing people, it really makes you feel that you 'said it well'! ..... and btw, they just luvvvv'd Joe's blip for yesterday, with Bella sporting a cute little finger!! Hehehe!

The students became more enthusiastic as the pictures I chose appeared, all different kinds of pics from all over the world, and I gave some background on the pics and the people who published them!

One hour flew like 10 minutes and I was asked to be the permanent presenter for their 'Photography Club' meetings every Thursday! I think it is a brilliant way of taking an old lady out of her comfort zone for an hour a week! Can only do me good!! ;-)

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