Lady in red
Another lovely day. didnt get to my bed till 3am, was still up when '1 son who was up the the day came rolling in but not drunk I hasten to add.
Got some bits and bobs done. After work went for a walk that I had just discovered. Thats what I like about being here, almost 8 years and still discovering new walks and places. Played with my wee baby camera, still much to learn
Dogs got lots of walks so much so that they are flat out all sleeping on the sofa. Bunnies still out running about the patio. Need to get new grass for the front garden before we move them to their summer residence.
Me the local BBC Alba reporter for a blether today and was sitting in a cafe chattering away in the mither tounge when someone complained ! bet they wouldnt have done that if we were speaking a foregin language, sometimes I dispair of this country. !
Still waiting for this sulphuric cloud with its smell of rotten eggs I hear so much about! no planes going anywhere, well that should please the tree huggers!
Anyhows off for now. Picture is of the Red Duchess as opossed to the usual one the Red Baroness.
Good night all blipaddicts
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