
By benek

I Want To Ride My Bicycle

I want to ride my bike.

Yes, I finally got one. After the all the wishing and looking and bidding and losing and complaining and looking and bidding again one finally came my way and thank god I'm done with that. Buying something has never been so difficult.

It looks like this, it's in pretty good shape but needs some service. Gears and brakes need adjusting, wheel needs spokes tightened to remove wobble. Accessories need purchasing and much money still needs spending.

So this morning when I should have been working I headed up to the North Shore again and picked it up. Bought a helmet and bike lock on the way home. All the good bike mechanics are booked a week or more in advance so I couldn't get the service done today. Over the next week or two I will be in bike repair and accessorize mode.

This is a view from a little boat ramp tucked under the north side of the harbour bridge. It was tricky finding out how to get there but my blip-determination got me through it. And yes, I did walk the narrow concrete walk out to nowhere.

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