My Everyday

By MyEveryday

Toilet Talk

As my daughter was holding her "solar system" book in her lap, this is the converstion between my four year old (Ms B) and one year old (Mr C) on the way to school this morning:

-Ms B to Mr C: "Can you say Mercury?"
-Mr C to Ms B: "Nercureeee"
-Ms B to Mr C: "Can you say Saturn?"
-Mr C to Ms B: "Snadurn"
-Ms B to Mr C: "Can you say Venus?"
-Mr C to Ms B: "unknown"
-Ms B to Mr C: "no C, not PENIS, but VENUS! Hey Mom! C just said penis instead of Venus....(giggle, giggle, giggle) I guess they rhyme."

This had me giggling the rest of the way to school. Oh, the innocent conversations that take place in my backseat :)

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. We are heading out to a week long camping adventure tomorrow, so unless there is wireless in the middle of nowhere, I'll be backblipping next week!

Debra (Starting over), this one's for you :)

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