
By magpie

Purple Velvet

Another cracking day took us down for a final stroll in the Botanics before heading back west.

The Botanics are a bit like gardening is for me now as described in Sunday's blip. In the past I would rush in to meet friends, have a lot of coffee, cake and gossip and then head off without so much as a nod at the Chinese hillside or the (fairly dull) Queen Mother's Garden. Now I'm very happy to meander about taking everything in and admiring the work of the gardeners. This love of nature is maybe one of the more positive aspects of getting old. It didn't stop me from going in and having a coffee - if only service was a bit faster.

Magnolias are my absolute favourite and I took many pictures of them, but the light wasn't quite right, so have opted for this purple flower whose petals were irresistibly touchy-feely.

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