Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

The Mist Rolling In.......

Today, the weather excelled itself. There have been mists from the land, and also haar from the sea. When the sun rose, it burned off a lot of it, and Dimairt and I went along the beach, marvelling at the kids playing in the sea. I. too, went for a paddle in the sunshine; I noticed that the hills were still covered in mist.

On the road home, after the choir practice, the mists covered land and sea. At times, there were gaps in the mist, and you could really appreciate what an awesome sight it made.

I wasn't delighted with my shots, to be frank, and I spent ages at the side of the road trying various settings.

Anyway, this shot tries to show you the way that the mist was sitting just over the sea - causing a shadow. If you didn't know better, it would look like a tsunami coming into Wester Ross!

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