Skip's Blips

By Skip

Chow line!

Twenty or so deer were enjoying a relaxing Saturday afternoon lie in when we came along and threw them some apples. In no time at all, they were on their feet and had formed a chow line , hoping for some extra special treats. Apparently the herd heard there were apples to be had! With all that lovely green grass, wouldn't you think their tummies would be full?

Because I was using my 70-300mm lens instead of a wide angle, I could only blip a few of the herd, but there had to be at least twenty stretched out on that little spring-green meadow.

Weather report: Cold and cloudy from dawn until dark. I don't think the temperature inched much above 40 degrees all day long. Evening came, and just as the sun was setting, a narrow band of deep pink and red appeared over the lake, just below the clouds on the horizon. We didn't see the sun at all today, but we saw a wonderful sunset. Guess who didn't have her camera with her!

Goodnight, Blippers. Tomorrow is Sunday, and some of you are already there.

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