Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Poppy and Shadow

Caught this duo on my way back from a walk in Shell Ridge Open Space this morning. I walked the Indian Creek trail where there were multitudes of tiny insects swarming about. I'm hoping they were the small wasps that induce galls in the stems and leaves of the trees and that this is a sign that it will be a good year for oak galls. I find them fascinating. I don't know what the wasps look like or how they behave. If there is a good crop of galls later, I may now have a clue.

I spent a couple of frustrating hours trying to get a couple of new gadgets to work and concluded I will have to take them back to the store. Then I summoned my resolve and ran the vacuum cleaner over the floors instead of succumbing to the beautiful weather.

The evening was warm and wonderful. Have had the doors and windows open most of the day.

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