Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Poor Alf

His ear has stopped bleeding and as we couldn't keep the bandage on, the wound is now airing. (the fluff on his ear is from the bandage). Just hope he doesn't scratch at it. He's still not himself though - been really badly shaken up.

Mr EG had a dicky tummy today so he stayed home from work. Hope it was not the BBQ yesterday but no-one else has complained. Must be his delicate southern constitution. Me and Toby left him sleeping and went to see a friend we met through SANDS. She is going into hospital to have her baby on Wednesday after losing her first baby a few weeks before we lost Henry. I wished there was something I could say to help her get through the next few days and reassure her everything will be okay but I know only too well there is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better. I just pray that the next few days pass quickly for them and she can get some rest before the big day and look forward to getting a happy text from her to tell me all is well.

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