Flying water

At its top speed of 1/8000 of a second, my camera couldn't freeze the spray from my watering wand so that each droplet looked like a round bead, so I opted for a streaky look instead.

sort of cool big

Things are looking fantastic in Le Jardin...once again the resilience of plants amazes me. I love Spring and Summer but it sure is a lot of blasted work. Oh well, beats moving white stuff around.

I want to know why people can't plan further ahead, especially if it's going to impact someone elses life and schedule. Are they just eejits, or what? It's enough to make me cry. Actually, I don't cry that often, then I found out I am a freak of nature according to this. Sixty-four times a year? Really? That's every 5.7 days. That's a lot of crying.

I brought the mail in late and there, among the schmeg and the waste of trees was a postcard. From Finland! I have never had a postcard from Finland in my life, let alone one from an artist in Finland! I was very very happy. Thank you Nina.

On my 200th blipday last year I got up close and personal with the biggest, baddest spider I've ever seen and I wasn't using the telephoto lens either. If I encountered him in my garden, well, let just say I would need a change of clothes.

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