Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Minnie to end all Minnies!!

I was spoilt today, as a late christening present
aunty karen brought me a hugeee minnie
She was just going to buy a outfit
but I shook my head
then I got shown minnie and my grin was huge
so minnie came home with us
she filled my pram up,

Mummy & karen were having lunch, me in highchair, minnie in pram,
a old lady on table behind us turned to coo over me but instead got face to face with minnie...her expression was priceless as she looked at mummy as though she wa s a crazy women pushing minnie round! then she noticed me in the hair chair being well behaved eating my dinner, you could see the look of relief on her face!!!

I love my New minnie!!

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