a town called E.

By Eej


All winter I have been seeing cardinals. It isn't hard: everything is white and barren and this feller stands out like a bow on a Christmas tree. Or something.
With the trees full of blossoms and leaves it has become increasingly more difficult to see them. Besides that, they seem to keep away from well-traveled areas, AND are wicked fast when it comes to escaping a camera.

So, it was a bit of a surprise to step outside after dinner and have this one yell at me. From a safe distance, sure, and a bit too far for my camera to be able to handle, but still! Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal (the latter not portrayed), in my own tree.
I thought it was all kinds of fabulous.

It also made me think about these
Cardinals and how much I would like to see them again ... *sigh*

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