Official Blip of the Week

This is the official Blip of the Week awarded by Waldorf and Statler, Not to be confused with the Blip of the Week that is awarded unofficially and undemocratically.

Statler....What is outstanding about this blip, Waldorf?
Waldorf...First of all I'd like to say that it is a great capture....HeHeHe
Statler......And what about the composition?
Waldorf....You mean the decomposition Statler!
Statler.....Special thanks to Agatha Christie.
Waldorf...Agatha Christie?
Statler .....Yes..Agatha Christie for the .........
Waldorf....Wouldn't it be better if they saw the original from raheny_eye
Statler.....No Waldorf, because they won't come back if they go over there.

Also thanks to Luca for his handling of the part, without which this scene could not have taken place.

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