
By blip

Small things in life

Today I think was a day of reflection. Peculiarly each instance was reminding me of some old memory.
Such a small thing, like a bowl of water had an affect of a fairly big smile on V's face. Reminded me of how I was in my childhood. All carefree and without any worries. We used to stay in a cantonment area.. Hence security or getting into wrong company was of little worry for our parents. We used to have humongous area at our disposal. Mostly, these defence areas were outside the city limits. Like a self sufficient island of very middle class yet dignified families. We had all modern amenities inside. Being a officer's son, we were the most privileged ones. Army of Helpers were always available at your call. We could roam in kilometers of wilderness, fruit orchards, Huge Barracks, Giant palace like houses. The life was certainly king size. My childhood was special and for me the joy was finding joy in small things.

I was so amazed by how a simple activity can flood back old memories.
Another strong memory flashed in front of me today was while returning from a mega shop-athalon. I switched on the FM radio, some old classic numbers were playing. My memories faded away(with moist eyes) to my childhood days, when we used to return from late night parties or weekend outings. My Dad was always fond of music while driving. We(me and my brother) will be either dozing off or would be in a trance like state. Dad would carry us on his shoulder and put us in bed.

No matter what I would not be able to give the luxurious childhood I had. however, I wish and hope that I am able to give my child simple yet a deep founded childhood.

About the photo - I found this photo rather interesting because of the shadow and the reflection of the shadow on the mug. Hope you like it too.

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