Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Take Two and Call Me in the Morning

aka Spring Cleaning for the medicine cabinet.

I spent quite awhile this afternoon sorting through bottles of expired prescriptions and over the counter meds and discarding bottles after ripping off the labels. It's something I've been meaning to do for quite some time. Some of the bottles were empty and I've saved them simply to know what I've taken in the past; so I made a list of any I thought I might need to know about in the future. Whew!

The local police department is accepting bags of discarded medicines in order to keep them out of the sewers and landfills where they can contaminate the soil and water. So this bowl of pills will be bagged and delivered there tomorrow.

I'm becoming fanatic about recycling, composting, using safer cleaning products, buying things in bulk to avoid the wasted packaging, etc. It's my little bit for earth day and every other day.

I have an old T-shirt with a picture of earth from space that says "Good Planets are Hard to Find." It's true.

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