Light Hearted
Since it was a nice day the Good Woman wanted to head off to Stirling to find some shop or other.
Drove around the town (sorry - city) centre about 5 times trying to find the location of this ficticious shop.
Signposting is either non existant or - more commonly - completely covered in overgrown trees/bushes so that you cannot read the directions.
Nobody seems to understand English or are incapable of speaking it/giving directions.
Left Stirling in a filthy mood.
Stopped off in Falkirk on the way home.
Photoshops & artshops all seem to have closed down and the 'High Street' is now full of exactly the same shops as every other individuality or character - not even a decent blip oppertunity as you would expect by going somewhere different.
Think I will go and stick my head in the oven
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