This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

Harvey's 1st Birthday.

Well Harvey had a thorouly enjoyable birthday. He opened most of his presents in the morning and had some time to play with them before his nap. At lunch time we went to the local national trust park, Belton House. Thier is a brilliant adventure palyground thier but its all abit to old for Harvey so he went on a swing and then we went on the miniture railway. Mummy was very scared as she thought Harvey might launch himself off it at any moment but he was good for the whole journey and waved at the children as we went by. Then off we went home for family and friends to call round with more gifts. Cake and candles and happy birthday songs were sung. When it was time for Harvey to go to bed everyone left and we found the house under the mass of paper, cardboard and toys. What a lovely day.

THIS TIME LAST YEAR: So following on from yesterdays birth story...... thier i was in this stupid hotel room having twinges. I felt so uncomfortable and alone. The ward that Lee was on called me at 3am to tell me he had come out of surgery and everything was going very well. That was a relief, then i just lay thier waiting for the morning to come or for something to happen. Eventually it was breakfast and i was starving! I tried to hide the fact that i was in labour from everyone else sat in the cafe but it was hard. By 12pm the maternity unit had found me a room and i went down with my birth partner Melissa (Lee?s sister) The midwife advised i should go onto a drip to induce me and make everything happen faster. It worked very quickly and i found myself needing gas and air then an injection of diamorphine. I was desperate to speak to Lee and the midwife kindly let me call him on the mobile. He wasstill very groggy from the anesthetic and i remember shouting at him telling him i hoped he was in just as much pain as i was. How caring of me eh?
A few hours later i was ready to push and an hour of pushing Harvey was born. Well he actually had no name at that point as we had picked a few but none were decided yet. I would wait till we got together as a family before i decided. The midwives would not allow me to take my baby to see his Daddy on the other ward so that was very upsetting. Eventually they said that i could go without him as long as i went in a wheelchair. When I saw Lee it was a very special moment and we discussed what had happened. I showed him pictures of Harvey on the camera.
The next day i was desperate to leave so i could take my baby to see his Daddy and basicly told the nurses that i was leaving after lunch wether they liked it or not. I had had no complications and only some stitching and Harvey was feeding well on the breast so they agreed. Lee's Mum and Dad came to collect me and we went to see Daddy. I have a very special photograph of Daddy looking very ill covered in tubes holding this tiny baby (7lb 2oz) for the first time. See here:
Then i had to go home on my own with my baby... i had no idea what i was doing and was exhausted. Still we made it through until Daddy got home the followin Sunday. Friends helped out when and were they could and brought me meals on plates and looked after the baby while i had showers etc. So thats it !!!!!!
My thoughts are with the family of the donor at this sad time for them. In the year that has passed we have done all we can for organ donation and raising awarness about becoming a donor. So get yourself on the list people!!!!

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