
Today he discovers they have BBC Entertainment! He doesn't remember having seen it on the list of channels the sales guy had shown him. He has wanted this channel. Once upon a time he used to enjoy Top Gear. Now he's not even sure if it's comes. But sadly, the time shift option doesn't seem to be available with it.

Today when he rides, the evening lights seem smudged across his eyes. He has not cleaned the glasses. Somehow he just wants to get away for a while. Riding, even if it's only for a little while seems to have become a daily habit. He acutely observes all the sensations running along his body. He times himself, having had his other watch repaired. He wants to compare how different gears suit him along almost flat terrain. Lower gears, despite the direction of the wind carry him faster. He enjoys it. After a while of cycling, it can stem the flow of the day. Or more accurately, divert it.

Children are still bubbling by the pool. The tennis court is lined with more gear than tennis. Elderly couples trot along the perimeter. It feels good as the wind dries away the sweat. A bit of the day remains but he decides to make time for other things. The last song... hasn't disappointed him so far.

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