Major Silly Sausage

By SillySausage

Introducing Major Silly Sausage

Major Silly Sausage is about to go on exercise with Finlay's Daddy in the deepest, dustiest deserts of the USA.

Finlay is going to miss his Daddy very, very much.

So, the Ministry of Finlay has decided that Major Silly Sausage will be posted abroad with Daddy.

Major Silly Sausage is due to leave the barracks of Finlay's bedroom shortly.

Finlay briefed Major Silly Sausage in the park earlier and the mission has been written to pass on to Daddy at the airport tomorrow.

This afternoon, Major Silly Sausage enjoyed a pint of fine Suffolk cider in the pub, before climbing into his transport envelope, marked 'Top Secret - Daddy's Eye's Only'.

Finlay and Yoga Mamma are really looking forward to reading Major Silly Sausage's blips and seeing all the exciting places that Daddy works.

Finlay and Mamma think it will be fun to set Major Silly Sausage blip challenges ... and have one up their sleev for tomorrow already! Watch this space?!

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