Delph Wynd Daily

By delphwynd


Exclaimed Earth.

Earth Day today, its 40th Anniversary in fact.

The Earth Day Network website above has a rolling list of 'Actions' that people are undertaking today, and hopefully will continue with after today. Some good ideas on there, though the 'I won't take a shower today' one might have other less desirable side effects.

My own contribution is to do with these plastic cups that are used at all of our water dispensers at work. Not as bad as the styrofoam cups the Cafés use perhaps, but we must go through hundreds of these things each day and, although a great many of them are recycled, the majority probably end up in the bins. The other factor about the recycling of these is that plastic recycling is finite; there's only so many times that certain plastics can be recycled (or downcycled) before it degrades completely.

So, from today, I'll be keeping a glass at my desk(s) for water (it's better for the Whisky too). Unlike plastic, glass can be recycled ad infinitum. And I will try as much as possible to take my own mug along to the café when I pop along for my caffeine kicks in future.

Back to stuff and nonsense tomorrow, happy Earth Day evening to you all.

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