Five months old

Already. Wow!

Ophelia had her four month check this morning, despite the fact she is five months old today. She's dropped a bit down the weight charts again, probably due to her constant movement (check out those blurry feet!!). She's still a good height though, but we already knew that as we've had to get all of the 6-9 month clothes out. We had very little sleep again last night as she was up every 90 mins or so, babbling and gurgling, blowing raspberries, whingeing or needing to guzzle. She has begun to chatter consonant sounds over and over, and seemingly needs to practise this at 4am.

I was pleased that the Health Visitor was really supportive of my decision to wean Ophelia early, and said not to worry about giving her too much food as she'll reject it when she's had enough. So the huge vats of mush Ophelia is putting away already aren't a problem. Cool.

We got this Bumbo seat from the wonder that is freecycle, a bargain and a half as they retail for over £30. It certainly seems to be helping her sit up really strong. I remember Grace was only ever in her (borrowed) Bumbo chair a handful of times before getting bored and wriggling out, which of course is supposedly near impossible, but then that is Grace for you!

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