Me and my everyday world

By SilvaT

Harry the outdoor rabbit

Harry spent the winter inside. It was sooo cold. Today was the first day we felt it was warm enough to put him in his outdoor cage.
When he was a baby, we called him "woeste Harry" because he was really bouncy. The first of his nest to peep his nose out, always looking for adventure. He's a bit calmer now, but still likes to run around. He loves balls in all sizes. When there's a soccer ball lying around in our living room - there usually is - he'll run around it and try to climb on top of it. He probably thinks it's a female rabbit. If there's no ball, he'll run circles around your legs.
Harry's 4.5 years old now. We never thought he'd get this old. Two summers ago, he almost died... He was born with a jaw problem and we have to cut his teeth every month or so. If we don't, he can't eat and clean himself. The good thing is he can't chew on cables, so we can leave him to play inside without worries. The only thing is he leaves a lot of rabbit droppings all around the room.

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