Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


When Fudge was going through his Guide Dog training, he wasn't allowed to play with a ball. Now that he is living a leisurely life, chasing after a ball is one of his favourite things to do. However, he is very very fussy about which balls he will run after. We have to buy two identical balls - same colour, same weight. If we only have one he won't give it up, and if one is a different colour or size he chooses a favourite and ignores the other!

Got some bargain shoes in TK Maxx today, yay! Had a nice evening at the Fort with my mum which included Thorntons coffee and caramel shortbread - yum!

Kerr has been teething badly again today. His wee tooth is almost through - I can feel a bit of a tooth but can't really see it popping through yet. He had to have Calpol this afternoon as he was crying so much and I could see a tiny bit of blood around his gum where the tooth is trying to come through. Poor thing. After the Calpol he sat on my knee almost still for about half an hour (which is unheard of for him!) and we had lots of cuddles and a sing song. It seemed to work a treat and he brightened up quite quickly.

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