
By shy

Room 101 - Sleepless hotel nights

What day is this? - oh yes, Tuesday.
Somehow I find myself in an hotel in the rural South of England - unable to sleep with the rain hammering on the window-pane. I can't sleep because the bed is too hard. I can't sleep because the rain is too loud, and even if it wasn't raining and the bed was a bit softer, I still wouldn't be able to sleep because there is a box thing with a grille and a fan in it underneath the window. This creates a hum which is pitched at exactly the frequency to sent me totally frickin' mental.
I asked my colleagues whether they have this problem, and it seems they do. Perhaps every hotel bedroom come with its own noisy box just outside the window.
I also asked my colleagues whether the hard beds prevented them from sleeping, the general answer was yes, but that was beacause they were too soft!

The cure, I'm told, is to get totally pissed in the hotel bar and spend the night in a coma.

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