Actually no: polos. Love 'em. My dentist's not so keen.
I should have been out photographing teeny tiny flowers with my lovely new macro lens... but rain stopped play so I was stuck inside making pizza and cookies and devouring polos.
More work getting to grips with the graphics tablet. I think this took four times longer to edit than it would have done with a mouse... but I can see that once I get some more practice it will be quicker. I can also see that I really really need to get that sensor cleaned.
Did you know that whales sleep half a brain at a time? And that mother whales can't sleep at all for the first six weeks or so - the calf isn't blubbery enough to float while it sleeps so sleeps in its mum's slipstream as she swims on through the night... Kids ask really interesting questions. I have also been researching whether penguins have light bones like other birds (no) and what happened to taxation after the Black Death (not quite got to the bottom of that one yet). And that was my day.
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