a town called E.

By Eej

Of mice and ...

94 Blips and while I used to make sure I didn't over-cat my Blips, as of today I am shameless.
Well, shame-deficient. Or shame-slim :)

I have two theories about our Harley. One is that she has abandonment issues because she was left to fend for herself. The other is that she's a hussy who knows how to manipulate us into giving her bucketloads of attention.
Most days I'm somewhere in the middle of both theories.
Fact is that she'll scream like a maniac if she thinks we left her alone.

Harley's favourite toy is this well-loved mouse. It's hollow and stores catnip, which helps with the lovin' :) She loves to carry it around and leaves it for us like she would a real mouse.
Just about every morning we find it in front of the bedroom door, sometimes with little ms. Squeak proudly next to it. When we are both downstairs she'll boulder down the stairs with it in her mouth, while making squeaky noises and high pitched yells announcing her presence.

I love all our cats, but this one makes me laugh out loud on a daily basis. She's just too funny.

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