Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Pedalling Granny

Today we spent the day in Dundee. Kerrsdaddy had to collect his new bike from a family friend's cycle shop. We then went to visit GG (Kerr's Great Granny) who lives in Dundee. Granny was also there today.

In the afternoon we had a good look at the new bike, and Granny and kerrsdaddy both tried it out on the lawn. However they had to duck to avoid being decapitated by the washing line! Today's blip was a toss up between this and a good one of GG modeling the new cycle helmet.

Kerrsdaddy hopes to cycle into Glasgow to work each day and back, instead of getting the train - tomorrow morning he is having a practice run to see how long it will take him (14 miles each way).

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