
By grounded

Quack Quack!

A nice start to the day! No alarms and a gentle wake-up before going downstairs to make some coffee. Once awake I tried having some weetabix and 1% milk to start making small changes! I have high cholesterol and need to get my blood taken again in three months. Hope it doesn't bruise like this!

It will be a slow process! I do like my food and wine... and all those things that are bad for me!

So I went to the gym once I was properly awake and weetabix digested! Did various cardio things plus ran 6 mins at 9.2kph on a 1% gradient. I did it at 9.0kph the other day and want to progressively increase the speed till I can do 6 mins at 11 kph. then I figure I could pass my fitness test! I'll keep you posted on my progress. Been doing ankle strengthening for several weeks now so it's back to running in my new shoes!

After the gym I did some work round the house and then headed out with hubby to the golf course for 18 holes. I need to get him back in the swing (no pun intended) of it before we go on holiday!

Whilst golfing I saw this chap and he was nestled in the rough not too far from my ball, so out came the camera and a blip was got!

Been enjoying some steak and wine tonight and definitely ready for bed now!

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