...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Green Eyes

For lack of a better name, Green Eyes or Stating the Obvious, this is the most recent addition to the yard. Oh yeah, my son just may be right when he said "You are becoming the 'Cat Lady'". That is not what I want to be, especially if I end up like her! I just don't think that will happen. Why are cats so attracted to our house? Yes, we feed Chopstix...and then JoJo...but what is up with Green Eyes? I am not as close as it appears in this shot, but this is about as close as you can get. He keeps his distance. But he is highly vocal. I hear him ranting and raving at the other cats. Of course I gave him food...helping those in need, right? Keeps the mice population down. I don't need another cat. My hubby says, "You need to find something else to blip". I did shoot some rusty fencing, a spiders web, a screw in my tire (dang...now I have to go get that fixed). My daughter was passing by, "Oh yeah, you have to blip the cat". So, here he is, in all his glory.
Another cat, stating the obvious!!! :S

The Cat Lady of Lemon Grove.

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