
By krimmson

seperated, but not broken.

Strong belief: Love is one of the most complicated concepts on the face of this planet.
It is natural, human, versatile -- and yet, there are parts of it that will always be the same in that technical kind of way.
You interpret it in many different ways, but rules are always laid down from some universal book.

And then there's the loss of love process,
which never turns out to be simple.
Things happen.
Humans are human.
They'll fight.
They'll argue.
And if at least one of them take it too far,
It's done.

...But is there really such thing as "My ability to love is broken, I'll never love again?"
Or is it just that you and love are temporarily seperated?
Can the crack be sealed?

My recently-bought heart necklace fell apart ):
This actually happened last week, but I completely forgot about it till now:
Basically, my friend thought it was a locket, attempted to open it, then boom.
Luckily, super glue can work miracles. So it's kay.

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