We will remember them

I went to my first ever ANZAC parade today. It was so moving and pretty much perfect for the occasion. I took lots of photos but this one of Otto just stood out from them all.

I don't get to do many portraits, so when he seemed keen to have a nice photo to send to his daughter, of course I obliged him.

I messed around with layers too, but somehow this honest portrait of an old guy who is as human and full of faults as the rest of us seemed more appropriate.

It's been a quiet day of reflection but I'm pleased to say that I feel good. Maybe thinking about those who had a much harder time than I do makes everything seem better.

Tonight, I am training Pio (without the aid of a water pistol) that the work bench in the kitchen in not an appropriate place for him to be. We have had a few hisses and he tried (and failed) to scratch me at one point, but now he is curled up on my laptop bag, happy as a happy thing.

He'll learn.

Or will it be me that'll be learning?

Oh, and I love the sound of him lapping at his water bowl. Compared to Cousteau's slurping noises, it's just so incredibly cute.

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