pixelated moments.

By paulposadas

On Photography.

It's 1:59 am and I'm wide awake. At around the same time a week ago (it was boy's night out), I actually closed the joint where I dined at. Tonight, a different story.. domestication. A little of Susan Sontag's On Photography works for me to tire myself to sleep.

An excerpt to share.. Nobody ever discovered ugliness through photographs. But many, through photographs, have discovered beauty. Except for those situations in which the camera is used to document, or to mark social rites, what moves people to take photographs is finding something beautiful. (The name under which Fox Talbot patented the photograph in 1841 was the calotype: from kalos, beautiful.) Nobody exclaims, "Isn't that ugly! I must take a photograph of it." Even if someone did say that, all it would mean is: "I find that ugly thing... beautiful."

Good Night :)

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