Ninny Salad

By ninny_salad

Friend or foe?

The top is my work phone. On 24 hours a day so that I can be contacted by those in Spain and the UK who need to. Fortunately only 5 days rather than 7 days a week this time around. Most of my work here is done on it. I spend the day veering between willing it to ring, so that I know what's happening and then when it does ring non-stop, willing it to stop so that I can eat / watch tv / sleep in peace. The panic I felt last week when I thought I'd lost it - not the loss of the phone per se but the repurcussions of it - was awful. To anyone who knows me, it'll come as no surprise that I can lose phones quite easily (well, I've had two stolen and left one in the bag of a cab, which I did eventually get back). On balance, it's probably my foe.

The one at the bottom is my personal phone. It's a bit battered now as it's been to various places with me over the year or so that I've had it (replacing a stolen one...) and has meant that I've been easily able to keep in contact with friends and family at home - including an early morning weekend wake-up call to my parents from the Great Wall of China! It's amazing how they work in pretty much any country around the world now... almost. I've spent the last few days fretting about lack of contact between my UK phone here in Spain and a VIP's UK phone out in Turkey. Unnecessarily as it turns out. Messages lost in cyberspace I think. Not really that surprising given the various networks required to get them from a to b (another thing that I don't really understand: how do a load of letters from one phone make it to another in the same order? Like the physics of flying, I think it's something I'll never understand and just have to accept). Overall, it's probably my friend though.

Anyway, I just need to go and make a call!...

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