Photo Thoughts

By CatheeSoo

Love of a baby bird.

I love the idea of this site, but to be honest I get really nervous uploading photos here. I look at everyone else's and I'm so far out of their league. I'm working with only a basic camera at the moment. I had a really great Canon that I loved, but after 4 years it literally wore out. When I opened the body the plastic teeth on the gears were broken and stripped. I'm very thankful for the camera I have now though. For me, having a camera is like needing toilet paper or a toothbrush. I go into a panic when I think about not having access to a a camera. I have a friend to thank for knowing me and making sure I didn't have to go long without one. I'm looking at getting the same one back that I originally had and still keeping this one in my purse to carry everywhere with me. It may be a few months still though. It's not a huge priority with 5 kids in the family. I am able to take photographs in the meantime and that's what matters.

I have trouble picking out good photos. I feel like most of my stuff is just snapshots taken at the spur of the moment. Chasing after 5 kids doesn't leave me a lot of time to try and look at things artistically. I don't have a lot of technical knowledge either. I was just learning how to take lightning shots and close up photos of the moon when my Canon broke. One day I will get to take some classes!

The photo today is not technically a great one,but the shape of my daughter's hands holding the bird is what caught my eye about this one. They almost look like a heart wrapped around this tiny bird. I had to use a flash because I just couldn't get enough light before sunrise. I should probably lay off the animal photos, but nature is so beautiful I can't help it. Some of my favorite shots are macros of animals or flowers. I don't get to leave the yard much so sometimes I run short on photo ops. I don't live in a really beautiful place, I have to search for it. It's probably even too early in the day to call this my shot of the day, but I'm going to run with it anyway because I have a lot of housework to do!

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