Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Cherry blossom

The tree in our front garden only ever blossoms for about 2 weeks in the year, so I thought I should blip it before it's too late.

Kerr started moving in a forwards position this afternoon, towards his favourite toys. He has now realised how to use his legs and arms together to get where he wants. Yikes! Better get a baby jail pronto :-)

We went to waterbabies today. It was a disaster again, and Kerr started crying as soon as he heard the teacher's voice shouting out the baby names in the register. We both agreed that it was best not to put him through today's class - so Kerr and I made our way to the baby pool where he enjoyed a splash about and was actually laughing. Next week is the last of the block, but I think we'll give it a miss and just go along to the pool on our own.

Went to the Fort this afternoon to meet kerrsgranny, Auntie Jules and cousins T, M and F. We had a coffee and caramel shortbread at Thorntons cafe and a wander around a couple of shops.

I'm currently waiting for kerrsdaddy to return home from work on his bike (!) and see how the cycle went. Then it's a takeaway meal and a glass of wine - well, it is my birthday :-)

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