
By jmules

So today in physics the most epic thing happened to me. I was sitting in my seat which is a good 10/15 feet from the garbage which is a good 3/4 feet under the sink. Anyway, my pen wasnt working, it was one of those clicky pens, and i was playing with it for like five minutes and it wasnt working so i threw it out. But i didnt get up to throw it out i flung it across the room. Then the clicky part of the pen hit the rim of the garbage can and i though it was good and was going to bounce in but it didnt. instead it lauched itself up, over the ledge into the sink. It was soooo cool and i couldnt do that again if i tried, no one could. Only like three people saw it though but it was still amazing.

This is my sister wet after the guys meet. Did i mention it was wet. She was moving hurdles around so thats why shes so soaked.

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